Sunday, November 20, 2011

Our Money Tree : )

Our Household Is In Need Of A Blessing...

Jelani and his mom are in need of a…

Good Old, “Down on our luck,” Rainy Day Village Blessing!

If we had a barn, I’d call together a Barn-Raisin’.  But actually what we need more than a barn is some (ugh…) financial help.  I’ve been without employment, despite my best efforts, since May.  The Unemployment office listened to one of my former bosses’ lies and thus turned me down for unemployment.  So far, no schools or day cares or dog walking agencies have realized what they’re missing by not having me on their team.  So our household has been without income, and living off my Emergency Fund, since May.

December brings not only winter but Christmas, Kwanzaa AND Jelani’s birthday.  Additionally, just last month I paid $600 for a desperately needed evaluation that confirmed a specific learning disability that we’ve long suspected Jelani struggles with.  Our public aid insurance doesn’t cover it, and the public schools refused to pay for it: so it came from my now-almost-gone emergency fund.

So, I’m asking our family and friends this season to consider helping out a charity closer to home than any you might usually support:  Us. 

Every friend and family member that gives $ will have helped buy Jelani a book or a gift, to be delivered to him with your name on it.  Or  people can give cash gifts to pay off the bill for the professional evaluation. And of course, you can choose to look at our Wish List below and purchase something for him directly

Please do what you’re comfortable with.  Clearly these days, almost ALL of us are hurting economically in some way.  This year has been a particularly hard one on our end, and it came at a time when Jelani’s special needs have intensified and caused us much stress.  Our hope is that those who can comfortably spare something -- maybe this year’s penny jar or anything at all -- will help keep us afloat.  We won’t be fundraising for the school this year or for anything else.  So please, if you are able to give anything, we will use it wisely and miserly (you KNOW I live “simply” and pinch pennies into dimes, right?) and we shall give you our sincerest, deepest thanks and respect.  And handmade gifts, if we can deliver them to you : ).

* The Donation Button is ABOVE ^.  Here is our Wish List  : ) *

A.  MindWare games (that I have already bought) for his Christmas gifts.  I’m hoping to raise $78 to cover those, and I will put your name on the gift tags.  The gifts range from $10 to $35 each. These games are designed for increasing various cognitive skills while being fun.  Here are a couple he chose:  

B.  Money to help pay for Jelani’s recent evaluation, and follow-up Aural Rehabilitation program:  The PayPal donation button will deposit your gifts directly into my account, immediately.  I greatly appreciate any help you can give for this.

C.  Birthday (December 27) Gifts and Kwanzaa (December 26 - Jan 1) Gifts: 
Traditional Kwanzaa gifts for children include books, handmade items, and African clothes.  Jelani currently wears a Boy’s size 8 and Boy’s Size 3 1/2 shoe.

If you can buy (or donate a used copy of) any of the books from the “Bone” series by Jeff Smith, we will be excited!  There are 9 in the series, beginning with “Out Of Boneville” and “The Great Cow Race.“  There is also a large book with the entire Volume 1 series (Books 1 - 9) in one cover for $40.  We’ve been reading them at the book store and we love them!  Reading was a serious struggle for Jelani but last year he made amazing progress and now ADORES reading.  I will update this list each time someone confirms that they are going to give one of the books (to avoid doubles.)  Thanks!

Again,  I am extremely grateful for any and all gifts and funds you can give Jelani and I to help keep us afloat through hard times.  We’ll be sure to spread the news when I finally get a job again, as well as how things are going with Jelani’s school and therapy, and our life in general.  Jelani LOVES mail, so feel free to write him:  Caulton (at) sbcglobal dot net.  And come visit here for photos and to say Hello in the Comments.  

Peace and Asante Sana,


aka Jelani's mom : ).